MBOX to PST Conversion (the best solution for you)
Here is the best solution for your mbox to pst conversion. Try it today to safe, secure and hassle free conversion.
MBOX to PST conversion is a process that entirely depends on the conversion solution. It is as good as your conversion solution is. If your conversion solution is good, you’ll have no problem whatsoever in converting your data.
But if you end up with a bad conversion solution, everything can go downhill for you. You can permanently damage your data or lose it forever. So, you need to be careful with the tool that you are picking up for your conversion process. If you are confused or don’t know that the conversion solution you have is the best choice or not, then don’t worry. This article will help you in clearing all your doubts and getting the absolute best solution for you.
The Best MBOX to PST Conversion Solution
When you talk about an ideal conversion solution for your MBOX to PST conversion, the first and foremost demand is that it should be accurate. Most users focus on getting the process done rather than getting it done perfectly. If you are also looking for a tool that is just accurate, then you are not going to get the most out of your conversion process.
The backbone of an ideal conversion solution should be formed by three major features, accuracy, safety and ease. If the tool fails to keep your data safe, avoid data gaps then there is no point in moving your data. You will suffer from different kinds of losses and your data will be gone forever. Therefore, finding a tool that provides you with all three features mentioned above is the ideal place to start.
Mail Extractor Pro: The conversion solution with a strong spine
A good conversion solution has the generic features, the best conversion solution has much more. Mail Extractor Pro is that conversion solution.
It is not only convert mbox to pst, but also convert Thunderbird, Postbox, Mac Mail & EML files to PST file format.
It is a converter tool from USL Software that provides you with not only the best possible level of the generic features but also some rare features that help you elevate your MBOX to PST conversion process to an entirely different level.
The tool packs a wide variety of features. Some of those features are:
Bulk Conversion of Files:
A very unique and effective feature of the tool is Bulk Conversion. Bulk Conversion of files allows you to simultaneously convert multiple files in a single cycle. This means that the tool can help you convert a large volume of data at once. All of this is made possible by the algorithms that the tool supports. They provide it with enough capability and power to deal with such high volumes of data without diminishing any other feature. This makes your MBOX to PST conversion quicker and efficient.
Ignore Empty Folders:
Another very effective feature of the tool is its ability to leave empty folders unconverted. This may seem like a very little thing to you, but it plays a major role in fastening the conversion process and stopping overuse of your resources. The tool doesn’t waste its time and computational power on converting folders that have nothing. Therefore, the end result is an output file with only the important data.